Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Perils of Paul & Luna: I can see the light

Well the people at L's work said that they would give us the money if we bought the light bulbs for the kitchen and the hallway. If not it would cost the at least $100 to have a handy man come around. So we went to K-Mart and $18 later we should be able to see what we are doing in the kitchen.

So really all that needs fixing is the microwave. Of course once we get all this stuff sorted out we'll probably find a place to live. Now that's a good thing but our furniture hasn't arrived. L was talking to a lady at work who moved up from the southern part of Oz and she says it'll be 2 more months before she'll see her furniture. So I wonder what that's gonna mean for us. We looked at a place right on the beach today, well us and about 20 other couples. Needless to say I think that places will be gone by Monday. There is a place 1 row behind the front row that I saw on Friday. I want L to see it. It has a front and back balcony great for plants, can't say I don't look after my wife's interests. Of course if we move there soon plants is about all we'll have. I'll keep you postede.

Our car I think is ready. We drove to the dealer on Friday night and I was looking inside cars trying to figure out which one was ours. Of course the non mechanical one L said "maybe that one with the tinted windows", hmmm some days she surprises me with the obvious. Kinda messes it up for me I had some sort of great mathematical calculation that relied on aligning with the stars to figure it all out. But tinted windows beat that. I'll call the guy Monday we'll pick it up Tuesday or Wed.

So it's Saturday here not much house hunting this weekend, but we'll be hard at it again soon. L has a headache and is reading on the dusty couch. We are doing wash and the dryer is making a racket in the background. Now I've figure since it vents itself into the house and we have no heat ... yup it's our new heater, a little humid but we have to get used to humidity in 5 months.

Oh we also got a hair trimmer for me because the one we bought is 110v and we forgot to get the converter from my dad. So we went to the bargain store and picked one up for $9.99. Hey can't beat that. It's a little big but L should be able to handle it with 2 hands. I mean so what she shaves of an eye brow or 2. It's not like I haven't done that to myself by accident in the past.

Wow a big clunk then silence so that means either the dryer is finished or the circuit breaker in the dryer has flipped again.

Water here is interesting since it's not cheap, my brother would probably say "yeah cause it's costs a lot to ship and it's just water", we have been buying it in big plastic jugs. Not that big it's about 5 litres and it was like 7 dollars. Now I calculate it that's more expensive than milk. Maybe I have my figures wrong. So we bought water in this big cardboard box thing, it's kinda like the wine you can get in Canada in a box. Probably just as expensive as wine, no I think it was just over $3, I just checked it's 10 litres. Well the other one we bought before is just as much as milk. What a crazy country.