Thursday, June 30, 2011

Perils of Paul: Darwin is for Diets‏

Well I guess what they say is true reducing calories does EQUAL weight loss, who would have thought. For some reason I seem to have lost a little bit of weight here in Darwin. Really I think it is because when I lived in Canada L used to make some really big lunches (yummy) and since I am at home all day she doesn't have to do that. I really don't eat that much at home just cereal and fruit. My coke consumption really is about the same as it was at home. Speaking of coke I bought a kids happy meal at Mc'Ds yesterday and the small drink (not included of course) $2.50, they must tax coke like booze here that can be the only reason why it's expensive. So because of my diet I'll soon have a 2 pack for a belly, I'll never be able to afford a 6 pack here in Darwin cause a 6 pack of beer must be like $20.

Well I've gotten a new internet thingy this is similar to the other one but it gives my 8gig upfront and was $99 compared to 5gig @ $129. With a $50 recharge I'll get 6gig compared to 3gig with the other one. So this is a little better but hopefully when we get a place I can get full on internet, but that days a few months off yet. It's OK considering that I'm at home, I'm really not using it that much, I've been busy I'm always late picking up L.

Well we may get the microwave fixed next week, if the real-estate lady ever shows or calls. Now the tap is dripping in the laundry faster. The other day it was pouring out I had to shut off the hot water. It's at the point where you can't turn it anymore it's metal on metal. I warned the people but hey to get a plumber to fix a washers gonna cost $100. I'm sure they'd rather wait till it's totally messed up then he's gonna have to come in an replace the faucet as well. Not my money.

So things are settling in we're still looking for places hopefully something will come up soon as this place is so close to the road that at 5am when the trucks start driving by I end up waking up. No wonder I'm so tired. Compounding that is the people upstairs must belong to river dance or something they are always stamping and dropping things. But overall the place is clean and new and that's what counts. After saying that sitting on the couch feels like sitting on sandpaper so I'm well exfoliated on the legs.

The great thing about this place is we're always dressed like it's a holiday, I haven't worn socks yet and it's nothing but sandals and flip flops (thongs as the call them here), shorts and t-shirts. I'd grow a beard but L has her limits on how much of a slob I can be. But I must say that Darwin has been tough on clothes, I think it's the washing machine is junk. So far this place has ruined 3 of my shirts with the color running out of one shirt into another. L's stuff seems to be immune to stains, it figures she has more clothes than I do and it always happens to either something I paid a lot of money for (Holister shirt) or one I would really need (long sleeve white top). I'll just tell people they're tie died.

L has had training 3 days this week, Working with Aboriginals will have it's difficulties because they have what they call "sorry business" that's when a relative dies they don't take visitors for days to weeks (could be months). So in training they warned them about this. We have also read about this in some big manual they gave her last year so she could read up on things.

Oh HAPPY CANADA DAY everyone. I had visions of dressing up in my "I am Canadian" t-shirt today but here in the Northern Territories (NT for short) it's NT Day. We didn't get a holiday but they have fireworks in 2 separate places here. For a town of only 80k they sure know how to spend the governments money. Hopefully we can go to Mindle beach (the place we watch the sun go down a lot) but it'll be murder getting there. We may just have to ... walk (ugh) I just looked there is no free buses (too bad). I'm sure it wouldn't be polite saying "happy Canada day" to strangers. Well enjoy the day off hopefully it's a nice long weekend for you all.

Oh and HAPPY 4th OF JULY for all our American friends. I just looked they get a long weekend too. Wow long weekends in Canada and the USA, boy cross border shopping will be busy at Niagara falls.

For everyone else HAPPY SATURDAY and SUNDAY. I think that covers about just everyone.

I think we get one more public holiday then that's it till Christmas. It seems all the public holidays are in the first 7 months here then nothing. But hopefully the hot weather makes if feel like one long holiday but I can only verify that once the WET gets here (the hot rainy season).

Well take care all one of these days I'll get the picture situation worked out, but to be perfectly honest I really don't want to install Picasa on my laptop I'd rather wait till my computers from Canada arrive and mess them up haha.

Paul & Luna

PS any dentists reading this my tooth hurt