Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hi ho hi ho it just the status quo

Well things are settling in to a dull routine with, get up, drive to work, come home, cook dinner, eat outside and see if Ralph shows up. Speaking of Ralph he's been a regular lately although if we are walking around out the backyard when he shows he just crawls off. His loss though because some other critter will eat his morsels of steak. Last night he popped by a little early and went back into the brush only to appear when we had the food out on the table. I think he's got a pretty good nose for food. Well he does actually because he always finds the steak no matter where we put it.

L has decided to change her hair color to all brown/black for a while and will get it cut shorter because it's just too hot in this weather. Lucky for her it'll probably grow back for when we come back to visit Canada in June. I'm sure the hair color change will please my dad. I'll post pictures once the transformation is completed, she just finished dying it as I write this.

It is pretty hot here, we bought a fan to put on the floor and to place outside to keep the midges away. What is a midge? Well it's smaller than a mosquito and they bite. They seem to like L more than me so when she's outside they leave me alone, that way I don't need bug spray ... which I think is a bonus but somehow she doesn't. But the fan is pretty good at blowing them away. Heck the thing sounds like a propeller plane taking off. It pretty much would blow me across the patio if we put it on high. Needless to say that we have been eating cold food due to the fact that this fan works so well.

I have been messing around with Facebook, as it's free to me, and have posted some pics on the price of things I think mum and dad will think they're good you may enjoy them too.
Picture link is below

You can check out our other pictures too while you're there. You don't have to join Facebook. This seems mildly familiar maybe I asked people to do this last week.

Well the Facebook page is here just in case you haven't been there and want to go.