Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Perils of Paul & Luna:Lizard for lunch

One of my favourite activities here is to watch the Gecko's that sit by our outside lights and eat all sorts of bugs. Now you would figure that they would eat any bug but no they are selective. I have watched them rush up to a bug and then look at it then turn around and scurry away. I figure that moths are high on their diet and if you have a hard shell then you're too hard to digest so they just leave you alone. Well it must be time for lizards to have babies cause I saw one in the house, figuring there isn't much to eat here I have been trying to figure out how to get it outside where it can eat some good. Well one day it was by the front door so I opened it and using my hands convinced him to go outside. I felt pretty good that it would be able to eat better things because really other than ants, which I don't think they eat, there isn't much to eat in here. So the other night after coming back from the garbage run (taking the garbage out), we carry a torch (flashlight) so we can see where we are going, but when we get home I usually shine it on the underside of the eves-trough to see how many of our buddies there are. On the wall I could see that one of them had a rather large moth so I went over to investigate. Well it wasn't a moth it was the little critter I rescued waist deep in one of the big ones mouths. I cursed him that large bugger after I saved this baby so I ran inside grabbed a broom and banged it in front of his head and he coughed little one up and ran away. The little one seemed stunned and looked like he was missing his tail. I don't know how he fared that night but I don't think his chances where that good there was a lot of big geckos out that night. So I felt pretty bad that I had saved him only to have him get 1/2 eaten. But 1/2 hour later who do I see a little gecko crawling around the house. Obviously that one I scared out was not the one that was in the house previously ... or we had more than one in the house. Well this guys staying put if he can find something to eat here then I'll chuck him out when he's too big.

L does a lot of reading here and she goes thru books pretty quick. The other day she said I should collect them all and take them back to the library. She liked to leave them piled on this brown leatherette box we have. It's about 2 foot square. So I pick them up and under the last one there was this huge cockroach flattened by the book. Now I think this death was accidental but he probably figured he was safe hiding on something that was the same color as him. Which is funny because I could see the ants running up to the box but I couldn't see them going anywhere else on the floor. I figured they were running under the couch somewhere. But no they had found it and they were small enough to crawl under the book to do whatever ants do to dead cockroaches.

This weekend we are going to see the jumping crocs. Hopefully they haven't figured out yet how to jump into the boat, pictures and videos to follow unless this is the weekend they figure out how to crawl into a boat. If that's the case obituary to follow.

Here is my favourite lizard whom I call Bender because I think he's always sleeping it off in the morning after a big bender.

This dude is there day and night and is sleeping because at night his eyes are black right now they are brown like his skin.