Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Perils of Paul & Luna: Happy moon festival

Happy moon festival everyone and for our Vietnamese friends happy Tet Trung Thu which I think they just shorten to Tet (don't shoot me if I get this wrong).

Not much is happening here in Darwin but this last weekend we went to the Casino for the seafood BBQ. Well it wasn't what I expected they just BBQ'd it then stuck it in the warming trays for it to go all soggy. So a NOT RECOMMENDED. We later went into the Casino because they gave us each $10 for joining the casino (so the can send emails to me), let me tell you this is the quietest casino there is. The machines make just enough noise for you to hear it when you are sitting in front of it. Most machines are 1c, 2c. They have all the other expensive things like poker, roulette so I think the stakes are in the 10's dollar range.

So after loosing the car at Pokies (that's what they call slots) we went into the bar because there was a local band that play "good music", so the doorman told us. Well it was music we knew but not any good for dancing and since everyone was well on their way to being "corked" by 9pm (a little early) they pretty much would dance to anything. I had to convince L to stay around, I kept saying "they'll be better next set honest". Well the 3rd set was OK and we danced but we had to create the atmosphere.

I also said we need to get a BBQ, well to be truthful L said this 1 1/2 months ago, so we went and looked at the 2 places and chose one. Got it home out of the box 3 dents. 2 of the dents made it so you could not open the lid. Of course they close at 6pm on Saturday, and that's late for a store here. So the next day we exchanged it no hassles so, way to go Bunnings. Bunnings is just like Home Depot, we have one here in Darwin and one in Palmerston and from what I have learned if they don't have it in one store then drive to the other. It's like combined they make one complete store. One lady once said, when I was in the Palmerston store 1/2 hour away, "You drove all the way from the city?" ... like it was a long way.

Well during Moon Festival everyone will be eating cake,except us, because I don't even think it's even on the radar here in Darwin, we went to the market which is all Asians (Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese) and not one moon cake. It's funny here people do tend to take on the Auzie accent quicker than in Canada. Everything seems to be a little washed down more HERE than in Canada or San Jose, culture wise... as far as the Vietnamese culture that is. It's funny hearing a Vietnamese lady speak native Vietnamese on minute and be calling you a "bloke" or "mate" the next with the Auzie accent.